
Newmont has fully owned and operated the Tanami mine since 2002. The mine operates in the remote Tanami Desert of Australia. The mine and plant are located on Aboriginal freehold land that is owned by the Warlpiri people and managed on their behalf by the Central Desert Aboriginal Lands Trust. Tanami is a fly-in-fly-out operation in one of Australia’s most remote locations. Tanami is 270 km from its closest neighbors, the remote Aboriginal community of Yuendumu.

550 km northwest of Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
Mine Type
Date of First Production

Tanami: Investing in Future Growth and Profitability

  • Over 20 years of profitable production, with more than 12 million ounces of gold produced.
  • The site began as an open pit operation and has been transformed over the years into one of Australia’s great underground gold mines.
  • We are currently investing in the second expansion of Tanami, constructing a 1.5 km deep production shaft.
  • Tanami Expansion 2 is expected to increase average annual gold production by approximately 150,000 to 200,000 ounces per year to 600,000 ounces per year for the first five years and reduce operating costs by approximately 10 percent.
  • Commercial production for the project is expected in the second half of 2025, with total capital costs estimated between $1.2 and $1.3 billion.

* December 2022. See cautionary statement.

† Consolidated $/oz

Annual Gold Production*

(Dec 22 | $/oz)

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Level 5, 500 Hay Street
Subiaco, Western Australia
Australia 6008
T: +61.8.9423.6100