
Commercial production at Ahafo began in 2006; it operates both surface and underground mines. Ahafo has two primary ore zones: Ahafo South and Ahafo North.

Newmont obtained the mining lease for Akyem in 2010 and began commercial production in 2013. In 2017, the Ghana Investment Promotions Center (GIPC) named Akyem the best company in Ghana for the second consecutive year.
We strive to build relationships based on mutual respect and trust and continue working with host communities to support social and economic development as well as improve standards and long-term benefits.
To support sustainable development in our host communities, Newmont Ghana established two community development foundations through company funding of US$1 per ounce of gold sold and 1 percent of the net profit of our mines.

The Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation supports local sustainable community development projects.
Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation (NADeF)
Following extensive consultation with host communities, the Ahafo mine established the Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation (NADeF) to support local sustainable community development projects in the 10 communities near the mine. Newmont contributes US$1 per ounce of gold sold and 1 percent of the net profit from the Ahafo mine to NADeF.
Newmont Akyem Development Foundation (NAkDeF)
The Newmont Akyem Development Foundation, or NAkDeF, is a community-driven and -owned organization. NAkDeF’s Sustainable Development Committee, which has representation from project-affected communities, traditional authorities, and youth and women’s groups, identifies potential projects for approval. NAkDef is managed by a board consisting of community and company representatives who direct funds to address the issues that matter most locally.
Through community-driven development decisions, the funds have been allocated to infrastructure projects, scholarships and a number of community development initiatives across various other sectors, including health, agriculture, economic empowerment, and water and sanitation.
Newmont Ghana adheres to the highest standards of national and internationally accepted environmental practices. Consistent with Newmont’s commitment to responsible environmental stewardship, we strive to ensure that our employees and contractors abide by standards that protect both human health and the environment.
We have established several environmental monitoring programs to collect baseline data and operational monitoring. The current monitoring program includes water quality, blast, noise, air quality, precipitation and other meteorological parameters.

Ahafo undertakes a number of initiatives aimed at minimizing our environmental footprint.
We collaborate with government agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Water Resource Commission, to develop, implement and audit environmental programs. Our mines are ISO 14001 certified, a benchmark for which top international companies are assessed to ensure adherence to the highest environmental standards. The Ahafo mine is also certified under the International Cyanide Management Code. Subscription to the code is voluntary and represents best practice in cyanide management.
Concurrent Reclamation
Reclamation is an essential part of Newmont’s operations. Our concurrent reclamation efforts are designed to maintain biodiversity and provide multiple beneficial land uses post-closure. The aim is to ensure that the site is left in a safe and stable condition to minimize long-term environmental impacts. The mine also ensures that the site is without future liability and that land use restrictions are minimized.
Ahafo’s concurrent reclamation began in 2009, with native and exotic tree species planted and more than 150 hectares of waste rock dump reclaimed by the end of 2018. The mine’s reclamation and mine engineering teams collaborate on long-term planning for revegetation programs and weed and soil control. Learn more about our closure and reclamation practices here.
A small portion of Akyem’s operations resides in the Adjenjua Bepo Forest Reserve. The Ghanaian government has classified the impacted portion as a productive forest, meaning exploration and mining for mineral deposits are permitted in that portion of the forest. Over the years, independent scientific experts have conducted studies to assess the reserve’s biodiversity value and environmental importance to guide the management initiatives and plans to offset the impact. Newmont Ghana has since completed Akyem’s reforestation program, reclaiming more than 300 degraded hectares in the Kweikaru Forest Reserve – an area three times the size of the area in the Adjenjua Bepo Forest impacted by the Akyem mine.